
N.A Tax Subject Update - Today's Times of India

Advocate Satya Muley said, "The NA tax is resulting in discrimination of residential sites situated in proximity to each other or within the same village, town or city. Such discrimination is affecting the fundamental rights of equality guaranteed under the Constitution," he said.

Read the Article here:
Times of India
Maharashtra Times

Satya Muley

Satya is a leading Civil & Criminal Law lawyer from Western India.
He practices at Bombay High Court, the Supreme Court and Courts in Pune/Maharashtra & New Delhi.
For any queries or support in legal matters you can reach him at or at Contact Us
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N.A Tax Subject Update - Today's Times of India

Advocate Satya Muley said, "The NA tax is resulting in discrimination of residential sites situated in proximity to each other or within the same village, town or city. Such discrimination is affecting the fundamental rights of equality guaranteed under the Constitution," he said.

Read the Article here:
Times of India
Maharashtra Times

Satya Muley
Satya is a leading Civil & Criminal Law lawyer from Western India.
He practices at Bombay High Court, the Supreme Court and Courts in Pune/Maharashtra & New Delhi.
For any queries or support in legal matters you can reach him at or at Contact Us
Click here to read more about us.