x Contact Numbers for Resolving and Finding Names in Voter List

Contact Numbers for Resolving and Finding Names in Voter List

पुणे जिल्हातील सर्व मतदारांना आवाहन करण्यात येत आहे की :
मतदार यादीत आपले नाव शोधण्याकरता अथवा काही शंका असल्यास आपल्या परिसरातील खाली दिलेल्या यादीतील सहायक निवडणूक मदत कक्ष यांना दिलेल्या क्रमांकावर संपर्क करावा.
वेळ : सकाळी 10 ते संध्याकाळी 6

All the Voters are hereby informed:
If they have any doubts regarding Voters list or want to search their name in the Voters list, may contact the Help Desk of their region mentioned in the attached list on the given number.
Time: Morning 10 AM to Evening 6 PM

Satya Muley

Satya is a leading Civil & Criminal Law lawyer from Western India.
He practices at Bombay High Court, the Supreme Court and Courts in Pune/Maharashtra & New Delhi.
For any queries or support in legal matters you can reach him at or at Contact Us
Click here to read more about us.

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Contact Numbers for Resolving and Finding Names in Voter List

पुणे जिल्हातील सर्व मतदारांना आवाहन करण्यात येत आहे की :
मतदार यादीत आपले नाव शोधण्याकरता अथवा काही शंका असल्यास आपल्या परिसरातील खाली दिलेल्या यादीतील सहायक निवडणूक मदत कक्ष यांना दिलेल्या क्रमांकावर संपर्क करावा.
वेळ : सकाळी 10 ते संध्याकाळी 6

All the Voters are hereby informed:
If they have any doubts regarding Voters list or want to search their name in the Voters list, may contact the Help Desk of their region mentioned in the attached list on the given number.
Time: Morning 10 AM to Evening 6 PM

Satya Muley
Satya is a leading Civil & Criminal Law lawyer from Western India.
He practices at Bombay High Court, the Supreme Court and Courts in Pune/Maharashtra & New Delhi.
For any queries or support in legal matters you can reach him at or at Contact Us
Click here to read more about us.